INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2012, Phoenix (Estados Unidos de América). 14-17 octubre 2012
Capacity expansion decisions are represented using a bilevel approach (EPEC). In the upper level the competing generation companies maximize their individual profits, while the lower level represents the spot markets using a conjectured price-response approach. This model is linearised and solved to show the solution variation with respect to the level of competence in the spot market and that the market equilibrium can have multiple solutions with investments level that vary significantly.
Fecha de publicación: 2012-10-14.
E. Centeno, S. Wogrin, J. Barquín, Study of strategic behavior impact in the spot market on capacity expansion using a linearised EPEC, INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2012, Phoenix (Estados Unidos de América). 14-17 octubre 2012.